
Today's post is about one of my constant struggles. 

Weight loss.

I have been on a quest to slay the fat dragon once and for all since 2011.  I was doing very well with going to the gym regularly up until that fall when I had to put it on hold to prepare for an occasion that I had to put my full attention to. 

That event has come and gone, and I wasn't able to get back into the swing of things since. I kept saying I will go back once the event is over.  The next month has come and gone, then Christmas has come and gone, next thing you know, it's 2014 and I still have yet to be able to get back to the gym.  Only now it's finances holding me back. I have been trying to do work-outs at home.  It's not the same.  I've been doing some challenges with a co-worker.  She's been on my ass to do something, and I am forever grateful for that.

It's only February, but I think this year is going to be a good one.  After the last few, I really hope so.

Thanks for stopping by!
