My inspiration

My mom has been the inspiration in just about everything I do. I miss her so much and the last little while have been unbearable.

This picture was the last one taken of us. It was my birthday of 2005. She died two months later. Sometimes I think it wast fault, taking her out in public, to a zoo. Germ infested, too many people. I sometimes think to myself that if I wasn't selfish and wanted to take her out one last time, maybe she would have been with us a little longer. 

I like to think she was proud of me. Deep down I know she was. But there are times I'm sure she wasn't. Sometimes I would give anything to see her again. Talk to her, hug her. 

This picture obviously wasn't taken by me :) but it was one of the last times we had family time. I really hope she enjoyed herself at least a little bit. 

Thanks for stopping by!


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