Father/Daughter Bonding

I did something today that I haven't done in a long time.  Went to the "Deer Yards" with dad.  He came to get me to go for a coffee, and I thought I would bring my camera because you never know what you may see.  I got in the truck and he told me I should have brought my camera.  At that point I held it up and said "I was going to see if you wanted to go to the deer yards! Great minds think alike!

For those who don't know, the "Deer Yards" is a small community outside of town where there are deer aplenty in people's yards due to feeding them.  Sometimes you don't see any, and other times there are lots.  We saw 12 today. 

Because I had to take the photos from the truck, This little lady was the only one I could get a good shot at. 

Thanks for looking!
