
Showing posts from May, 2014

Bridge to nowhere

The final installments in this week's theme are bridges. This first bridge is in Newcastle.  Great view from Wilson's Point off the Enclosure Campground This second one was taken somewhere on the 126 from Miramichi to Moncton last fall.  Thanks for looking! Stay tuned for next week's theme! 

Lock the tracks

I am not entirely sure what this is.  I assume it's to lock something up :)  Perhaps the damsel in distress? Thanks for stopping by.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

From across the tracks

Just trying some different angles. Sometimes I feel like I should be saying inspirational when I post photos here. I guess if I were, I would quote something from the late Maya Angelou " Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breaths away  " Which in reality, not even sure that is her quote, but I am more than likely wrong. Thanks for stopping by.  Check back for tomorrow's post.  I know I am behind a day, you will get 2 on Friday! :)

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Well, trains for this week. I hope someday, an awesomely graffiti-ed train comes through my town, and I have my camera on me.  For now we've only had this sad looking train pull in and stay a few nights. Thanks for stopping by.  Drop by tomorrow for another shot.

Missed a few days with the Devil

I slacked off for a few days.  I am going to combine the last three days into one post. This first one was taken one night, 8 months after I got the camera, when I decided it was a good idea to read the owner's manual for my camera.  Randall loves getting his picture taken.  This next one, he was just looking cute.  I had to snap a picture! Lastly, my dick in a box.  There was a hole in this particular box he was playing in, so I played around with my camera and got this... Thanks for stopping by.  Sorry I was negligent with the daily posts.  Next week will be better, promise!!  

Merry Christmas, Devil

This one was the year I got my Nikon 3100.  The year PJ went to kitty heaven and I thought I cried all the tears I could.  Shawn made me cry some more when I opened this gift.  It was the best worst Christmas ever. Thanks for stopping by.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's furry friend.

The Devil

No, not the Devil himself, although this little guy is close to it. I present to you, my little baby boy, Randall.  He'll be 10 in November.  He is just a little bundle of joy to have around, in the morning.  That's the only time you can look at him or touch him without him turning into Mr. Hyde.  This was taken about seven years ago at our first Halloween party.  It seems like he was a little more interested in Gisele's drink than he was being friends with anyone.  But I am sure at the end of that night, he made some "friends". Thanks for stopping by.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's post. 

Sorry, we're closed

The final installment of the Doors theme is this pretty red door from the building at the park for Beaubear's Island.  This photo is pretty much my life right now.  Looking in at what could be.  Staring at a closed door, waiting for it to open.  Hoping that something awesome is on the other side.  But I can't open it. Thanks for stopping by.  Stay tuned for next weeks theme.

Closed door, day 4

This is more of a window. A Window of opprotunity maybe? Doubt it.  Just some fun at Ritchie's Wharf the other day. Can't wait till the places opens and I can get some ice cream!! Thanks for stopping by.  See you tomorrow!

Closed door, day 3

This closed door is from a little church in, or around Bay Du Vin.   Thanks for looking.

Closed door, day 2

This photo is of one of the restaurants on Ritchie's Wharf in Newcastle.  My partner in crime and I went out one fine evening and came to the wharf to see what we could see.  Everything looked sad all closed up, but I am sure in a few weeks, it will be up and running! Thanks for stopping by.  Make sure you stop by for another door!

One door closes, another opens

I'd like to believe this is true.  This weeks theme, "Doors".  No, not the band. Actual doors on buildings This one is one of my favorites.  It's the knob on the door of a friends house.  *I know it was posted before, but not as part of this theme :) * Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for tomorrow's post!

This old house, final day

This is a photo of the "eyes" I saw in the back end of the house. I like to believe that they belong to an animal, and not just light coming through a crack.  It was way too dark in there to be anything else.  And apparently this area is cougar friendly. Stay tuned for Monday with something else. Thanks for stopping by!

This old house, day 4

Along with the one colored item and the rest black and white, I enjoy the look of negatives.  Brings me back to when we used to hold at the negatives to the light to see them, after getting the developed pictures back from the drug store! Last lame edit tomorrow.  Thanks for looking!

This old house, day 3

Made a little edit with a texture that kind of looks like a starry night with northern lights.   Thanks for looking.

This old house, day 2

This edit has some texture to it.  A different part of the house, little sepia tone... I realize this is a lame idea.  I am just trying to get into daily posts.  Bare with me! Thanks for stopping by!

This old house

I've decided to take the next few weeks and post different edits of some of my favorite pictures.  I will start off with the original, then a different edit each day for the rest of the week. This week is a huge old farm house from a town called Cape Jourimain .  A little tourist place just before you get to the Confederation Bridge to Prince Edward Island.  Beautiful nature trails, great view of the bridge and light house.  I'd love to go back and explore more of the trails.  I like to imagine this house was inhabited by a big family that had lots of farm animals.  This house, once I got a little closer, looked like it had a current tenant.  It was then I decided to walk away slowly, just in case. Thank you for stopping by.  Be sure to come back tomorrow for a different look of the first photo.

new post

New post coming Tuesday!!!