
Showing posts from March, 2015

Project 52 ~ Week 13

These little cutie Pine Siskins? were spotted at the marsh.  I was able to get a little closer this time.  I am sure if you held seed in your hand they would come to you.  I think this guy was a bully though.  He seemed to keep pushing the others off the perch! Thanks for peeking! 

Project 52 ~ Week 12

Went for a drive up the Plaster Rock Highway yesterday.  Everyone says how much wildlife they see while driving that stretch of highway.  Sandy and I have been up there twice now and only saw this beautiful Blue Jay yesterday.  Mind you, my camera wasn't able to capture it's true beauty as I was too far away, but they are such a beautiful bird. Thanks for looking!

Project 52 ~ Week 11

Just a squirrel trying to get a nut to move your butt. This little guy was playing peek-a-boo with Sandy the other day at the Marsh. Thanks for looking!

Project 52 ~ Week 10

The Gates of Hell? Nah, just the gate to a grave site at historical Wilson's Point.  Not really sure why it's there, as it doesn't go all the way around.  I suspect to keep vehicles out. Thanks for checking this out!

Project 52 ~ Week 9

Spring is finally here!  Here is proof! Went snowshoeing with Sandy today at the Marsh.  This little fella was showing his cute little self, reminding us that spring is in the air and the snow won't be around much longer. Come on back and check out some more tomorrow.

Project 52 ~ Week 8

Wow! I am really falling behind.  Decided to look online for some inspiration lately and saw an idea that I really want to work on.  I am sure it will take me a while to get it finished, so bear with me. This is a sneak peak at whats to come.  This is the Rankin House gazebo.  I am not a hundred percent sure the history behind this place.  Apparently it was one of 6 surviving houses of a devastating fire of the early 1800s.  Thanks for taking the time to check this place out!