
Showing posts from January, 2015

Project 52 ~ Week 4

This is Bill. Bill is an 8 year old Belgian.  He was such a timid boy.  Took treats right out of my hand.  Sniffed around pockets for more.  Snuggled with his humans and loves the attention.   Thanks for stopping by.  Come on back next week for Dolly!

Project 52 ~ Week 3

This week... A sunset. It's a little blurry when enlarged, but I love the colors.  Thanks for visiting.  Come back next week for a new post.

Project 52 ~ Week 2

As you may or may not know, I love old things.  Old, falling down buildings are my favorite.  This one you may have seen before.  It's one of my favorite from Napan (or BlackRiver) Thanks for stopping by.  Check back next Sunday for another installment of "Project 52"

Project 52 ~ Week 1

This cute little fella, Johan VanDer Schmut, is a foster kitty of ours.  He is very photogenic at times. When he isn't spazzing out, he loves to sit on the back of the chair in front of the window. Love the shadow work on this.  Thanks for taking the time to have a look at my photos.  Be sure to come back next Sunday for something new!